やりがいを与える, クリエイティブ, 勇気づける, 引きつける, 熱心, フレンドリー, 楽しい, 聞き上手, 参考, ユーモラス, 真剣, 真剣, 積極的, ゆったり, 機知に富んだ, 真面目, 誠実, 厳格, 助けになる, I Am A 楽しい, 真剣, And Caring Teacher That Has Experience In Teaching For Many Years. Throughout M
At our first meeting, I would like to find out about your current English speaking ability and determine how to proceed from there.
General conversation, Vocabulary building, Grammar, Pronunciation practice, Listening practice, Writing practice, Helping Resume CV, Proofreading, Children's lessons, Lesson via SKYPE, Helping with homework, Translation Interpretation, Survival travel conversation, TOEFL TOEIC